Should we bring extinct species back to life? Sometimes whole species of animals or plants become extinct due to the changes in their habitat, predators or disease. But over the last 500 years ...
Mixodectes belonged to an extinct family known as mixodectids and lived during the Paleocene epoch. This geological epoch followed the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event that killed off non ...
Genetically modified chickens could be the key to protecting endangered species and bringing back extinct ones, scientists say. Researchers in the US plan to replace sections of DNA in chick ...
EXTINCT' TROPICAL SNAILS REINTRODUCED TO TAHITI ... and removing the snails’ predators from within. They also removed weeds and other invasive plants and restored the area with native species.
A nearly extinct corn crop of the Pawnee Nation has sprouted once again thanks to a gardener’s work in south-central Nebraska. Before the Pawnee were forced out of Nebraska, they took as much as ...
In South Australia, scientists with Flinders University have made a breakthrough when it comes to the long-lost desert rat-kangaroo, last recorded in the 1930s and declared extinct in the '90s.