But now we have the newest and arguably the best and most exhaustive defence of the resurrection available. The 4-volume, ...
Joe Rogan - a self-described 'atheist' - was amazed after being gifted what his guest claimed is evidence ... the story of Jesus' life, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection.
Glenn Beck said on his radio show Friday that he thinks the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Christ and that it is ...
A researcher has pieced together the final moments leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection. The new map - based on Bible scripture and archaeological evidence - recounts Christ's journey through ...
In Matthew and then in Luke, there are elaborate post-resurrection appearances. Jesus appears to his disciples ... What scraps of evidence are there that can tell us something about him and ...
orat. II - PG 46, 632). However, both of these fathers took the wrong Mary for Jesus' mother (Ephrem: Mary Magdalene; Gregory of Nyssa: "the other Mary"). Nonetheless the conviction that Mary ...
Paul then tells people that Jesus’ resurrection promises the possibility of life after death: But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there ...