The linked repository doesn’t tell us which of the ESP32 variants it works with ... and we’re told it should work with Windows too if a HCI driver is present. We might ask ourselves why ...
Enter ESP-Hosted – Espressif’s firmware and driver combination for ESP32 (press release)(GitHub), making your ESP32 into a WiFi module for either your Linux computer (ESP-Hosted-NG ...
The ubiquitous ESP32 microchip made by Chinese manufacturer Espressif and used by over 1 billion units as of 2023 contains ...
Tarlogic found hidden Bluetooth HCI commands in the ESP32 that could comprise its security by allowing read/write to the RAM ...
Researchers discovered what they're describing as a potential security issue that could affect a billion devices.
Researchers from Tarlogic Security have identified 29 undocumented commands within ESP32 chip embedded in over a billion ...
The ESP-FLY is a palm-sized drone powered by the XIAO ESP32S3 microcontroller, combining compact design with impressive ...
A YouTuber has shared his latest project, Legion Mark I, a robot that can both crawl like an insect and drive like a car.