When you decide to quit a job, most companies require you to submit an official letter of resignation. Ideally, you should tell your supervisor in person about your decision to resign and then ...
A second email asking government workers to detail what they did in the last week went out to some agencies on Saturday.
Instead, you may want to write a resignation letter. It isn’t always necessary ... is more courteous than sending a simple text or an email. Beyond common courtesy, it benefits you if you ...
If we choose your letter for publication, we will call you to verify authorship. You can reach us by telephone at 303-954-1331. You may also email your letter to [email protected].
One federal agency's advice to workers who received Elon Musk's email on productivity: treat it like an opportunity to ...
Letters of recommendation from teachers, school counselors and other sources can help college admissions officers get a more complete picture of applicants. They give admissions offices a "third ...