Discover how spinning fins and a gear-reduction system can create electricity without stalling, and see the potential of Lego in renewable energy generation. Witness firsthand how these Lego ...
Manitoba Hydro is proposing to spend $1.36 billion on a new fuel-burning station capable of generating 500 megawatts of ...
China and the US face similar challenges — rising electricity demand from data centers and manufacturing.
A self-powered biosensor detects and destroys E. coli using enzyme-driven energy, aptamer-based recognition, and silver ion ...
Solar and wind together now represent nearly a quarter of electricity demand and nearly 10% of all energy consumption in the ...
A $400 million power plant project will soon break ground at the existing Louis "Doc" Bonin Electric Generating Station on ...
An August 17, 2024 article, at, entitled, “A New Era for Nuclear Power in the US” describes US government funding and intervening to reopen closed ...
The cost of buying electricity from Plant Vogtle nuclear plant continues to force JEA rate increases slated for April and ...
Lafayette Utilities System (LUS) hosted a kickoff ceremony at the Louis “Doc” Bonin Electric Generating Station Tuesday ...
The realities of opportunity versus the realities of need are leading Arkansas legislators to introduce a bill that will impact electricity generation in the state.