Ilbis, a migrant from Ecuador living in Rockland County, admitted in court to killing Joselyn Toaquiza, 21, in Syracuse.
Many people from the Andes have settled in New York. They face tremendous difficulties, but their online posts glamorize ...
For several years, a family from Ecuador living in Syracuse has made regular check-ins with immigration officials as they try ...
Ecuador also has a universal healthcare system and much lower healthcare costs compared with the US, which has some of the highest in the world. We couldn't imagine living so well in any walkable ...
Plus, the weather is mild year-round, and the cost of living and of renting a home remains affordable. Ecuador's infrastructure has improved significantly over the past decade. Important ...
The man, Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, 21, a migrant from Ecuador living in Rockland County, also pleaded guilty to concealment of a human corpse after admitting in court that he strangled ...
A practice that expanded worldwide during the Covid-19 lockdowns to avoid physical proximity, online schooling returns to Ecuador in a move to minimize the dangers of living in the crime-ridden ...
Ecuador defender Pedro Perlaza has been rescued and released after being kidnapped last weekend, the national police force said late on Wednesday. Capped three times by Ecuador and currently ...
Ecuador's official coronavirus death toll is ... Guayaquil is densely populated and has high levels of poverty, with many residents living in close proximity.