Johna Shi, ESL + Design student, BFA Fashion Design (Parsons), Senior Product ... Students must take a placement test to determine their course level before registering. Contact the English Language ...
If English is not your mother tongue and you wish to take a Credit ESL course, you are required to take the Concordia Comprehensive ESL Placement Test (ConCEPT). This course helps non-native-speaking ...
However, you may still be required to write a placement exam and complete English as a second language (ESL) courses. In all cases, we reserve the right to require a proficiency test if we consider it ...
Please review the English proficiency requirements for your specific program of interest here. To be valid for admission, TOEFL test scores must be no more than two years old at the time the ...
A UKVI-approved Secure English Language Test (SELT) is required if you are joining a course below degree-level, including: separate/non-integrated foundation courses; separate/non-integrated ...
Due to its privileged geographical location, Madrid has easy and relatively inexpensive access to many countries where you can put your language skills and your language teaching skills to the test.
students earn a master's degree for teaching ESL to adult language learners in the United States and for teaching English to children and adults in other countries. UAB teacher candidates in the ...
Information about the SLU English Writing Placement Test will be provided upon confirmation of your admission to SLU-Madrid. If you achieve the minimum score for SLU admission, you will take the ...
The first months of this school year were tough for Rosie, Maria and Jose, three Shenandoah seventh-graders who arrived from ...