币界网消息, ITR Economics 经济学家 Connor Lokar 表示,对关税将使美国陷入衰退的担忧可能被夸大了。“贸易在美国 GDP ...
中国1~2月进口贸易意外萎缩,出口也失去动力,美国不断加剧的关税压力,让中国经济復甦蒙上阴影。Capital Economics中国经济主管Julian Evans-Pritchard说,这种放缓发生在关税产生重大影响之前,而关税肯定将进一步 ...
Investing.com -- 周二数据显示,南非去年第四季度经济环比增长0.6%,实现反弹。此前第三季度经济修正后为环比萎缩0.1%。 Capital Economics分析师对南非GDP持乐观态度,预计今年增长率将达到2.3%,高于市场普遍预期。
The main news bulletin of ERT presents the latest developments from Greece and around the world every night at 9:00 pm, with detailed reports in the fields of politics, economics, and culture. Deliver ...
The main news bulletin of ERT presents the latest developments from Greece and around the world every night at 9:00 pm, with detailed reports in the fields of politics, economics, and culture. Deliver ...