On binding to ECM molecules, integrins are thought to undergo a conformational change, which allows the intracellular domain of their β-subunit to interact with focal-adhesion proteins ...
Cell adhesion is the process by which cells form contacts with each other or with their substratum through specialized protein complexes. Intercellular adhesion can be mediated by adherens ...
"It has been apparent for some time that signals must be generated in focal adhesions, but until recently the nature of the signals has been obscure. Our study examined the signaling of the tyrosine ...
Researchers at the University of California San Diego have uncovered a key mechanism underlying the treatment resistance of melanoma with the BRAF V600E mutation through pathways involved in focal ...
A recent article in Small highlights a new method for studying tumor cell interactions and testing anti-metastatic drugs through the development of an Under-oil Open Microfluidic System (UOMS).