Marcel Duchamp painted Tu m’ long after he gave up painting. In 1918, however, he received a commission to paint something that would be put on display in a library.
Kunsthaus Zürich is Switzerland’s largest transhistorical museum for fine arts, spanning over eight centuries of art history, from the Middle Ages to the present.
16.2 x 21.9 cm. (6.4 x 8.6 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
Barnett Newman’s 1946 painting Pagan Void stares you down at the start of “L’Âge atomique: Les artistes à l’épreuve de l’histoire” (The Atomic Age: Artists Put to the Test of History), a visual tour ...
Unravelling some lesser-known details about an international art revolutionary, we acquaint you with the figure of another. Marcel Duchamp, the outstandingly influential, idiosyncratic figure of 20th ...
The gist of Dadaism was the "gratuitous act," and the most gratuitous Dadaist act of all was Marcel Duchamp's invention of the readymade. One can regard them as experiments in art, or mock works of ...
The race for the 2025 Prix Marcel Duchamp is heating up as the shortlist for this year’s edition has just been announced. Four artists – Bianca Bondi, Eva Nielsen, Lionel Sabatté, and Xie Lei ...
The brainchild of Geneva-based Vincent Bertholet, founded in 2006, Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp is a perpetually evolving ‘orchestra’, loosely modelled on the great 20th-century ...
Philip Colbert’s solo show The Battle for Lobsteropolis at Saatchi Gallery shut shop about a week ago but his lobbsters are still splendid in Chelsea.