Your brain isn't broken—it’s been hijacked by dopamine overload. Discover how modern life is stealing your focus and how to ...
When I craft, I sometimes enter a flow state where nothing else exists beyond me and my paintbrush, my knitting needles or ...
Understanding the downsides of digital overstimulation, more people are adopting dopamine fasting to find joy in slower, more ...
Hippocampal replay, which is implicated in memory formation and planning, exhibits a reward-dependent spatial specificity that in novel environments requires dopamine signaling.
It's a short book which can easily be read in a single seating. In a nutshell, Dopamine Detox is a must-read guide to declutter your mind and gain clarity. By the end of each chapter you can find ...
Dopamine is an inotropic agent that has vasodilatory effects at low doses. It is a common belief that low-dose dopamine may be helpful in the prevention and treatment of acute renal failure and is ...
We've seen countless interior design trends come and go—boho, minimalistic, rustic, coastal, mid-century, and more—but none bring the vibes and positive energy quite like dopamine decor ...
Dopamine's unexpected role in memory devaluation Date: March 12, 2025 Source: Michigan State University Summary: New research expands on current understanding of the brain chemical dopamine ...