Administering eye drops to his sick dog cost Domien Michiels his individual result at the Paris Olympics dressage after the International Testing Agency (ITA) said the Belgian equestrian athlete ...
Domien Michiels of Belgium had his Paris Olympics results thrown out after testing positive for a banned substance for giving ...
Domien Michiels helped the Belgian men's dressage team take fifth place at the Summer Olympics in Paris. But Michiels had his results ...
Administering eye drops to his sick dog cost Domien Michiels his individual result at the Paris Olympics dressage after the International Testing Agency (ITA) said the Belgian equestrian athlete ...
LAUSANNE: Admi­nistering eye drops to his sick dog cost Domien Michiels his individual result at the Paris Olympics dressage after the International Testing Agency (ITA) said the Belgian ...
An Olympic equestrian athlete had his results from the Paris Olympics thrown out after he inadvertently tested positive for a banned substance after giving his sick dog eye drops. The ...