A man living in Thailand's Trat province found a 13-foot king cobra in his home after the reptile slithered across his feet ...
An attention-seeking king cobra interrupted a Thai man's TV time. On March 8, Wicha Phumngam was watching TV inside his home ...
A wildlife enthusiast had folks across the internet shaking their heads after he shared a clip of him swimming with a deadly ...
A loyal pit bull named Bheema saved a family and workers from a deadly cobra at a farmhouse in Kattaya village. Despite being ...
A king cobra and a porcupine each possess unique defenses: the cobra with its deadly venom and quick strikes, and the ...
A brave Jack Russell named Jan died after being bitten by a Cape cobra while protecting his owner's farm. Snake expert shares ...
A four-metre-long king cobra caused panic in a residential home in Pekan Pulai of Baling, Kedah, before being safely captured ...
A ban on deadly snakes is on the agenda at the S.C. Legislature. Supporters say the state law is too lax, but reptile lovers ...
Hasbro's G.I. Joe Classified Series releases new Frag-Viper figure, enhancing Cobra's ranks. Frag-Vipers, first introduced in ...