Once dubbed the "world's ugliest animal," the blobfish – scientific name Psychrolutes marcidus – has been named New Zealand's ...
Natural fish kills are common in Michigan during the winter months, and may be more common this year due to normal winter temperatures and snowfall. Frozen lakes and deep snowpacks can reduce ...
MICHIGAN, USA — As Michigan's lakes begin to thaw this spring, you may see an unsettling sight: lots of dead fish and other aquatic animals along shorelines. But experts say to have no fear.
If you've been through there within the past week, you may have noticed some dead fish floating in the water, especially towards the Grand River. 13 ON YOUR SIDE reached out to scientists at the ...
An Australian state closed two beaches after dead fish and an unusual off-white foam washed ashore while surfers reported feeling unwell, officials said on Tuesday. A microalgal bloom created by ...
An Australian state has closed two beaches after surfers reported feeling unwell while dead fish and unusual foam washed ashore MELBOURNE, Australia -- An Australian state closed two beaches after ...
(Michigan DNR) After Michigan saw a more “normal” winter this season, people may notice more dead fish than in the past few years. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) said it is ...
"When we stopped we [had] a million of these fish swarm the back of the boat," he said. "Most of them were alive. [Then] we started seeing more and more dead ones. "We've been doing this a long ...
Small leatherjacket fish– most no bigger than the palm of a hand – have been reported washing up on more than 300 kilometres of beaches stretching from Stanwell Park to Bermagui on the NSW ...
Scores of dead sea animals have also been seen washed up on the sand, including seahorses, fish and octopuses. Scores of dead marine life, including seahorses and fish, began washing up on the shore.