全面兼容DVD,DVD+R/+RW,DVD-R/-RW,CD,CD-R/-RW,MP3,JPEG,Kodak PictureCD,MPEG4,VCD,超级VCD碟片,享受视听快感; 这里是音响网产品中心为您提供的 ...
It may be an internal or external device. See DVD drives, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R and DVD+RW. (2) A stand-alone DVD player for TV viewing that also records DVDs on blank DVD-R discs or DVD+R discs.
An industry consortium devoted to promoting rewritable and write-once DVD standards. Founded in 1997 by HP, Philips, Sony and others, it developed the DVD+RW specification as an evolution of the ...
DVD-R - meaning DVD-Recordable, the user can write data to the DVD once or fill it over time using multi-session. DVD-RW - meaning DVD-ReWritable, the DVD can be written and re-written to.