The process is only about 48% efficient, meaning that IR leaks out along with the green light. The better quality DPSS laser pointers include a quality IR filter to remove it; cheaper ones often ...
DPSS lasers R&D and manufacturing based on Laser-compact 22-years custom-design experience. UV, green, IR lasers for mass-spectrometry, laser microdissection, LIBS, photoacoustics, microscopy, ...
Represents Laser-compact group of companies with 20-year custom design experience in the field of DPSS lasers radiating in green, ultraviolet and infrared. Over 42,000 of DPSS lasers produced for ...
The realization of compact and reliable diode-pumped solid-state lasers that emit UV light is now opening the ... The use of diode-pumped, solid-state (DPSS) lasers emitting UV wavelengths has ...