Scientists have provided the most detailed account yet of the earliest stages of DNA replication, an essential process for ...
研究结论与讨论部分指出,LTag 通过一种由 ATP 结合和水解调节的反式别构、熵驱动机制在单链 DNA 上进行转位。这种机制可能广泛适用于使用旋转循环的六聚体解旋酶,为理解其他类似解旋酶的工作原理提供了重要参考。同时,研究人员还提出了双向叉解开的模型,解释了 LTag 如何在复制起始位点驱动 DNA 解链和双向复制叉的建立。这一模型不仅适用于 SV40 系统,在真核生物系统中也可能具有相似的机制 ...
Using cutting-edge cryo-electron microscopy, scientists at the University of Leicester have captured the first detailed ...
For the first time, scientists have witnessed the very moment DNA begins to unravel, revealing a necessary molecular event ...
Scientists have captured the first detailed 'molecular movie' showing DNA being unzipped at the atomic level -- revealing how cells begin the crucial process of copying their genetic material.
DNA修复蛋白就像人体的编辑器一样,不断发现并逆转对人类遗传密码的损伤。长期以来,科学家们一直在努力了解 癌细胞 如何劫持其中一种叫做聚合酶θ(Pol theta)的DNA修复蛋白来生存。但是来自斯克里普斯研究所的研究人员如今首次捕捉到了聚合酶θ发挥作用的详细图像,揭示了导致一系列癌症的分子过程。相关研究结果发表在 Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 杂志上 ...
Scientists have finally captured footage of the microscopic machinery that allows our cells to copy DNA—a fundamental process ...
How does the cell protect these strands from damage? How would you identify the protein that serves as a connector between DNA helicase and pol-a/primase? A simple yet often effective approach is ...
Scientists at the University of Leicester have captured the first detailed “molecular movie” showing DNA being unzipped at ...
Using cryo-electron microscopy and deep learning to observe the helicase Simian Virus 40 Large Tumor Antigen interacting with DNA, the laboratories of KAUST Assistant Professor Alfredo De Biasio ...
MSK researchers shed new light on G-quadruplexes, a type of secondary DNA structure that has attracted attention as a potential therapeutic target in cancer.
Using cryo-electron microscopy and deep learning to observe the helicase Simian Virus 40 Large Tumor Antigen interacting with DNA, the laboratories of KAUST Assistant Professor Alfredo De Biasio ...