大家好,我是王工。 最近想要自己鼓捣点东西出来,设想的是先做好方案,画好原理图和PCB,然后在嘉立创打样回来焊接调试,在做方案的时候才意识到,可能会被DDR给难住。因为平时只需要设计方案和原理图,公司有layout工程师负责画板,我们不用自己操作 ...
the interface and interconnect between the host and DDR memory devices, which is typically a PCB, and the DDR SDRAM device itself. Some key parameters like DDR modes, frequency ratio and memory data ...
DDR3/2 COMBO PHY DATA BLOCK for 2 layer 8 bits DDR3 PCB ; UMC 40LP/RVT LowK Logic Process with 2.5V device View DDR3/2 COMBO PHY DATA BLOCK for 2 layer 8 bits DDR3 PCB ; UMC 40LP/RVT LowK Logic ...