The paper is published in the journal HortScience. Cycads, known for their primitive features and slow growth, are one of the ...
A bare-rooted young cycad seedling reveals how a root system is initially constructed, shown below the brown line indicating the soil surface. This root growth is enabled by resources that are ...
Caption Thomas Marler (left) and Gil Cruz (center) measure cycad plant size traits in the foothills of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, along with Ulysses Ferreras (right) from the Philippine Native ...
One of the rarest plants on the planet has been placed in safe hands during a major regeneration project in Blackburn.
Most modern gymnosperms—conifers and gingkoes, for instance—rely on the wind to spread their pollen. For some gymnosperms called cycads, insects serve as their pollen shuttle service, and did so long ...
Harding. The site protected one of the world’s greatest concentrations of Cretaceous-period fossils, known informally as cycads or scientifically as Bennettitales. These 120-million-year-old plant ...
We aim to: Determine whether patterns of co-evolution can be detected through study of the known distributions of fossil plants and dinosaurs (geographic and temporal). We are using GIS (Geographic ...
The series opens with Kew’s oldest resident, the palm-like cycad, Encephalartos altensteinii, that was brought to the Royal Gardens in 1775. It belongs to a group of plants with incredible ...