颅咽管瘤因其病理特点长期以来被认为是良性肿瘤。这是颅咽管瘤的原始图像,它与基于每次复发时盲切除肿瘤的原始治疗方法相吻合。这种管理策略的局限性在早期就被证明,尽管根治性病变切除,但与切除和复发风险相关的高发病率。目前,颅咽管瘤被认为是一种复杂的分子疾病,对其侵袭性的生物学和临床行为机制的详细解释,尽管有一些良性的病理特征,将是确定颅咽管瘤更佳治疗方法的一步。事实上,对颅咽管瘤肿瘤发生基础的分子机制的 ...
Chinese researchers have found that treatment for an invasive, noncancerous brain tumour that causes complications including diabetes could lie in a cheap medication often prescribed for high ...
This study reports the molecular features and interactions of tumor and immune cells associated with two craniopharyngioma subtypes that will help identify future targeted therapeutics.
Craniopharyngioma is a rare, noncancerous brain tumor near the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Because it affects important brain areas, it can cause hormone problems, vision issues, and ...