The prospect that Massachusetts will lose most of them is unnerving for conservation biologists and state officials, and it is one of the main reasons the state is investing in cranberry bog ...
Access was restored after a federal judge ordered Trump twice to stop withholding money, according to the Association to ...
The bulk of the wetland restoration project at the Nantucket Conservation Foundation's Windswept Cranberry Bog wrapped up ...
We’ve had a pretty good crop,” said Steve Ward, a second-generation cranberry grower, on the edge of his bog. The harvest runs from September through early November, and Ward is expected to ...
It’s an East End preserve where you can hike nature trails along what was once a cranberry farm. News 12 teamed up with Discover Long Island to visit Cranberry Bog Nature Preserve.
“Cranberry growers are adopting new ways to sand their bog, installing more efficient automatic irrigation systems, and renovating them with higher yield varieties,” said Pisani Gareau, who also ...
Cranberry Lake is the third largest body of water in the Adirondacks ... The area also provides easy access to a wide range of other ecosystems, ranging from bog to alpine vegetation. This mosaic of ...
Narrator: A couple more inches of water are added to the bog And this is where you've probably seen images of farmers thigh-deep in cranberry water. Dressed in waders, farmers maneuver what's ...
Rochester’s Conservation Commission Tuesday approved Notices of Intent allowing the construction of four single-family dwellings on two-acre lots on High Street close to A.D. Makepeace cranberry bogs.