A riotous photography collection from a recent underwater mission off the coast of Chile shows new and fascinating deep-sea ...
Inside deep-sea coral in the Pacific, an iridescent creature waits in ambush. Zhou Y, Zhang R, Shen C, Mao Q, Zhang M, Zhang ...
The sea sponge is called Theonella conica ... lab collected samples of a rare sponge called Theonella conica from the coral reef of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean and found in them a high ...
The sea slugs can also concentrate the sponge toxins to foil their own predators ... crunching and pulverizing chunks of algae-coated coral. They digest the algae and excrete the coral as ...
Sea sponges and other sessile (anchored ... Over millions of years of turf wars, sponges that evolved anti-sponge toxins, like the Microcionidae, were often victorious over non-toxic varieties.
The variety of life found on coral reefs attracts some of the ocean’s deadliest predators ... This trick reduces the chance of being attacked by predators, who think the seakrait is looking right at ...
Take a sea sponge called Theonella conica ... lab collected samples of a rare sponge called Theonella conica from the coral reef of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean and found in them a high ...