COOL - FISH M1 USB 3.1移动固态硬盘(Type - C、512GB、黑色)正在京东促销。这款移动固态硬盘原价199元,现在参与满99元减10元的优惠活动,下单1件只需189元。 该固态移动硬盘采用全金属材质,8.5mm的铝合金机身小巧精致,不仅防震抗摔,而且整重仅50g,尺寸为10531.58 ...
Originally the pygmy pipehorse was found in the cool temperate waters surrounding ... the most shocking was the "blob-headed fish," according to a report published this month by the nonprofit ...
Blob fish are unique in that they don’t have a skeleton – instead, their body is soft and ‘blobby’, held together by the immense pressure of their deep-sea environment. Spokesperson for ...
Sitting on the seafloor, waving colorful tentacles, they lure fish, sting them, and eat them. Scary, squishy, cool, brainless ... of the “attack of the blob.” Another predicted “goomageddon.” ...
But now it has been voted New Zealand’s “fish of the year” in a competition aimed at raising awareness of the country’s marine life and its fragile ecosystem. Organized by the Mountains to ...