Develop key skills such as comparative theory and critical thinking ... The department offers a mix of undergraduate and postgraduate study opportunities, including a single honours degree in Social ...
The required application documents for the desired degree programme differ depending on your previous education. You are applying to an ETH Zurich Master's degree programme with a: ...
This Master's degree programme takes four semesters to complete. The curriculum concentrates on questions of democracy, political violence, political economy, and sustainable development. All courses ...
This degree is designed to give you an exciting exploration of literary and cultural products and critical issues that span national and linguistic borders as well as time periods. You will become ...
Delve into the comparative study of political systems and explore sophisticated analytical answers ... as well as providing an excellent foundation for further research including PhD programmes. Upper ...
Comparative literature is inherently multicultural and dynamic; the comparative approach embraces world literature and culture in all periods of history. The comparative literature and culture major ...
The Department of Comparative Religion equips students for work and leadership in a culturally diverse world. We build students' religious literacy—their familiarity with religious traditions that may ...