A large trial shows aspirin does not significantly improve disease-free survival in patients with high-risk colorectal cancer ...
Most people don’t get a T-shirt to commemorate their colonoscopy — but David Hungerford had an unusual, life-changing ...
Updated results of an Australian trial which used liquid biopsies to guide colon cancer treatment has confirmed no compromise ...
To conduct the study, researchers surveyed nearly 3,000 patients with colon cancer about their physical activity levels ...
Two weeks after finishing a marathon, John Johnson was diagnosed with Stage 2 colorectal cancer. He shares his story to raise ...
Melissa Ursini, diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer, shares her journey to raise awareness and encourage early detection ...
In recent years, there has been a troubling rise in the diagnosis of colon and rectal cancer among younger adults, ...
Colorectal cancer is preventable and treatable if detected early, yet 1 in 3 adults over the age of 45 have not been screened ...
Physical activity may help colon cancer survivors achieve long-term survival rates similar to those of people in the general ...
Frequent exercise can help colon cancer survivors live as long as people in the general population, a new study suggests.In ...
Physical activity may help colon cancer survivors achieve long-term survival rates similar to those of people in the general ...