A collie dog who found himself back in kennels after his owner sadly died has found love again after a painful two-year wait.
A BORDER Collie dog that was ‘dangerously out of control’ has been spared destruction after injuring a woman. Christian White, 27, the dog owner, was found to have taken steps to keep the dog, called ...
Certain dogs are better at learning commands than others, and it's all to do with how they are motivated to learn ...
There is a phenomenon well known by veterinarians, dog trainers, and shelters as the “dog movie star effect”. This refers to ...
If you're a Border Collie pet parent, you probably have pretty specific ideas about how you want your gorgeous fur baby ...
They trained for six months ahead of the Novice Cup Agility finals, which took place at the National Exhibition Centre in ...
“Thank you,” Simpson tells Echo before throwing the bowl on the flames. She then grabs a pan to fully smother the fire. But ...
A pet expert has named a range of dog breeds that don't require hours of walking every day for owners with mobility issues or ...
Becca Kuperschmid, 23, was home in New York City for the holidays in December when she and her family decided to help out an ...
The agility competition at Crufts tests a dog's fitness and its handler's ability to train and direct their pet over and ...
Fuddle, a Golden Retriever/Border Collie cross, and his owner Sue Monk from Hemel Hempstead took home the top obedience prize ...
An Irish rescue dog named Zola was kicked out of obedience school for being 'very bad' around other dogs, but now she and her ...