When thinking about the total cost of attending college, families may budget for tuition, housing and meal plans. However, there are also added fees to be aware of. Fees required by a school that ...
An 18-year-old college student recently fall victim to a stock market scam. Know how the scam unfolded and how to avoid ...
In honor of College Knowledge Month, students applying to any of the 30 colleges or seven universities of Minnesota State can skip the application fee for all or part of the month of October 2018.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, Algonquin College charged ancillary and administrative fees of $160 for athletics and ...
But this could help institutions like us, where there’s a flat fee, or dollar amount, that’s a show of appreciation for the development of the game.” Any plan like this would face roadblocks aplenty.
The Barton Community College Board of Trustees will discuss next year’s tuition and fees during its monthly study session.