THE UK has been hit by a barrage of winter illnesses this year. Nasty winter bugs, including flu, COVID-19, RSV and norovirus ...
There are a few glaring signs that can help you figure out if you've got a case of the common cold or your allergies are ...
Another key difference is that the cold has nasal symptoms such as a runny or blocked nose and sneezing, and the first ...
Gonorrhoea is being flagged as an STD that spreads through unprotected sex. Women may encounter symptoms such as vaginal ...
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Colds – also known as “flu-like infections” – are caused by a variety of viruses. More than 200 pathogens can be involved, ...
“In fact, most adults carry the HSV virus that causes them, even if they’ve never had symptoms. “Cold sores are typically caused by type 1 (HSV-1) and it causes painful blisters and sores ...
Certain symptoms can signal a serious complication that requires immediate medical attention. Seek emergency care if you or ...