The prescribed dosage for ciprofloxacin may vary depending on a person’s individual treatment plan. Factors such as your medical history and body weight may also affect your dosage of ciprofloxacin.
Ciprofloxacin 10mg/mL ... Postexposure prophylaxis of inhalational anthrax: 10mg/kg (max 400mg/dose) every 12hrs for 60 days (start as soon as possible after exposure). Treatment of inhalational ...
Ciprofloxacin 2mg/mL ... Postexposure prophylaxis of inhalational anthrax: 10mg/kg (max 400mg/dose) every 12hrs for 60 days (start as soon as possible after exposure). Treatment of inhalational ...
The relationship did not decline over the life of the filter. This relationship may serve as a useful guide to dosing ciprofloxacin within this range of creatinine clearance values. As effluent ...
Twice daily dosing of ciprofloxacin maximised peak concentrations, while minimizing accumulation. Concomitant hepatic and renal dysfunction results in a prolonged elimination half-life.