How many trains are there from Chomun Samod to Churu? There are 3 direct trains that run between Chomun Samod and Churu. The train schedules consist of 2 daily and 1 triweekly trains. These include ...
Trains leaving Ludhiana Junction arrives at Churu on same day. What is the duration of Ludhiana Junction to Churu train journey? Journey costs ₹1330 (1A), ₹820 (2A), ₹135 (2S), ₹600 (3A) and ₹225 (SL) ...
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Monday thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav for the allocation of Rs 3416 crore in the Budget to strengthen the ...