Instead, upon receiving Christianity, Africans adapted, debated, reshaped, and enriched Christian theology through the lens of their own deeply rooted cultural and spiritual traditions.
Religious fundamentalism, characterized by rigid interpretations of scripture, strict moral codes, and intolerance toward differing viewpoints, has become increasingly influential within African ...
White-Cain was appointed as Trump's special advisor to the Faith and Opportunity Initiative, which was part of the Office of ...
Today’s Christian nationalists have shaped their theology in ways that harken to apocalyptic prophets of the1530s.
The attempt to project contemporary politics or our own aspirations onto such a sacred figure is always problematic.
In nearly every major American city and in many small towns, Christian Science reading rooms are found mixed in with ...
Massimo Faggioli's new book asks the question: "What is [theology’s] intrinsic value if it is not rooted somehow to the ...
A Palestinian evangelical Christian leader had earlier spoken, calling the movement ‘a heretical replacement theology that ...