Como os dois maiores países em desenvolvimento, a China e a Índia têm uma tarefa compartilhada para alcançar o desenvolvimento e a revitalização respectivos, e devem se entender e apoiar mutuamente e ...
据观察者网「风闻社区」专栏作家、亚洲视觉科技研发总监陈经5日撰文称,印度外长苏杰生的儿子,在美国Observer Research Foundation America任执行董事,研究国际关系。近日,小苏在他最近出版的《Vishwa Shastra: ...
Standing for more than 700 years, the ancient building is testament to Beijing's history. Surrounding it, the labyrinth of ...
近日,联想集团在Lenovo TechWorld India ...
The country with the largest volume of fruit and berry consumption is China, accounting for 28% or 269 million tons of global ...
Manufacturers are quickly moving their operations out of China. The maker of Bratz and L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls has announced plans to shift 40 percent of its manufacturing to India, Vietnam, and ...
在上周举办的Lenovo TechWorld India 2025大会上,联想宣布了一项重要计划:未来三年内,将实现供应印度市场的所有PC型号均在印度本土制造。这一举措旨在满足印度国内外不断增长的PC需求,并进一步巩固联想在印度市场的地位。
仁宝(2324)在伺服器解决方案业务上再次推出重大举措,今日宣布与卡尔亚尼集团(Kalyani Group)电子部门合作,进军印度市场。双方签订合作意向书(MOU),未来将在印度开展採用本地制造解决方案的伺服器业务,以响应印度 ...
(北京,2025年3月3日)北京InfoComm China 2025将于2025年4月16-18日在北京国家会议中心盛大举行。作为亚太地区领先的专业视听及集成体验解决方案盛会,本届展会聚焦AI升级焕新,推出超70场高峰会议、7大特别活动和“AI技术应用专区”,集中展示专业视听与AI融合在各行业的创新应用及领先技术,汇聚全球顶尖行业领袖,共同探讨未来科技趋势。 北京InfoComm China高峰 ...