The gravestone is of Carboniferous limestone from Wirksworth in Derbyshire and contains small fossil crinoids (sea lilies) and its inscription, by Professor Huxley, reads: CHARLES LYELL BARONET F.R.S.
The collection is representative of all continents. Fossil bryozoans from the Miocene of Touraine, France, mounted and annotated by William Lonsdale for the famous geologist Sir Charles Lyell Scanning ...
It's been called the most important scientific book ever. A stunning claim, but certainly Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology, published in 1830, shook prevailing views of how Earth had been formed.
In 1830 the Scottish geologist Charles Lyell (1797-1875), building on Hutton ... Some of the detours are worthwhile, such as how fossils are formed, how dinosaurs might have seen the world ...