To enroll in the following courses, you must be admitted through the UAB Graduate School seeking a Master of Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering Management (CEM). The core curriculum ...
The Construction Engineering and Management program in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder is among the top engineering-based ...
Construction Engineering Management (CEM) welcomed 59 new graduate students this fall, the largest cohort to date. Attendees came from as far as California, Colorado, New Jersey and New York for the ...
A Bachelor of Science degree in civil or architectural engineering from the Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) program is part of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural ...
Our engineering courses are delivered by academics who are active within the engineering industry. Research projects they're involved in include the development of advanced silicon memory cells for ...
Provide professional engineering consultation services for ... WI * Certified Energy Manager (CEM) as endorsed by the Association of Energy Engineers * Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) as endorsed ...
The scholarship is applicable to a range of postgraduate taught programmes. Postgraduate programmes offered by the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media that are eligible for the scholarship: ...