For example, during S phase, protein 'machines' generate ... Therefore, their cell cycles, which lack G1 and G2 phases and checkpoints, are totally controlled by the cytoplasm.
The cell's DNA is replicated in S phase and segregated in M phase (mitosis). In somatic cells, these phases are separated by gaps: G1 (unreplicated chromosomes) and G2 (replicated chromosomes).
A vaccine's ability to generate long-lasting, high-affinity antibodies hinges on a delicate balance. Upon exposure to a ...
This sequential expression followed the phases of the traditional cell cycle: G0/G1 (the cell grows larger), S (the cell replicates its DNA), and ... without a distinct transcriptional change going ...
Interphase The cell spends most of its life in this phase. The DNA in chromosomes copies itself ready for mitosis. Prophase The DNA in chromosomes and their copies condenses to become more visible.
New research from an international team of plant biologists, led by researchers at the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems ...
This extra support allows high-affinity B cells to move quickly through the cell cycle and spend less time in the G0/G1 phase where hypermutation occurs. Meanwhile, B cells that have yet to win ...
Successful high-affinity B cells can proliferate under special conditions that reduce the risk of mutation. Capturing this ...