Plant these in the spring. Takes 12 days to produce a large cauliflower. Cauliflower Seeds are a seed that, when planted and grown during Spring, produces Cauliflower after 12 days. When planted ...
Consumables are a type of item you can find in various locations, or you can create them with suitable ingredients. They can be used in a variety of ways. You can complete bundles with them, sell ...
Consider Cauliflower for high profits even with a longer growth time, ensuring a steady income stream. Spring is the start of a new year and a fresh start. In Stardew Valley, it’s a time to ...
but what does the player need to know about dating, marriage, and divorce? Museum Rewards in Stardew Valley: Donations: 9 ...
Building friendships and finding a spouse are some of the most rewarding long-term goals in Stardew Valley. You can only have one husband or wife at a time (sorry, polygamists), but gaining ...