The Canpous star resides in the constellation Carina and can be seen with naked eyes during dark skies. It is best seen in Southern Hemisphere. In the constellation Boötes, easily identifiable in ...
The star is famous for being noticeable in the ... At a visual magnitude of -0.74, Canopus is the second brightest. It's in the constellation Carina and at 310 light-years distance.
This new NASA Hubble Space Telescope view shows the globular cluster NGC 2298, a sparkling collection of thousands of stars held together by their mutual gravitational attraction. This image shows ...
NGC 3324: Open cluster in southern constellation Carina, located northwest of the Carina Nebula at a distance of 9,100 ly from Earth. Triangulum Galaxy: It is a spiral galaxy 2.73 million light ...
Nebula NGC 3603 is located in the Carina–Sagittarius ... a birthplace for billions of stars. The cluster is approximately 160,000 light-years away in the constellation Dorado.