There’s no easy answer about how much you should have in your TSP account at retirement, but there are a few basics to consider.
Perhaps the most official measure of American retirement savings comes from the Federal Reserve System. The Fed calculated average retirement account balances for individuals as of 2022, the latest ...
Similar to a traditional 401(k) retirement savings plan, pretax contributions to a TSP account lower your taxable income, while contributions and earnings grow tax-sheltered until you withdraw them.
The Thrift Savings Plan is a retirement savings and investment account for federal government employees. Also known as the TSP, the Thrift Savings Plan offers similar features and benefits to a ...
The Allworth Advice is that when you're shopping online, use a credit card. That way, if you are hacked, the credit card ...
Yes, this situation would qualify for a TSP hardship withdrawal, says Stephen Zelcer, a fiduciary advisor specializing in retirement planning and federal benefits. See here: ...
It is tempting to tap TSP funds for a hardship, and it could be the right thing to do, says Stephen Zelcer, a fiduciary advisor specializing in retirement planning and federal benefits.