Pepto-Bismol (bismuth salicylate) and Tums (calcium carbonate) are both over-the-counter (OTC) medications for heartburn and ...
Calcium carbonate is in eggshells, seashells, a rock called marble, and in antacid tablets like Tums and Rolaids. In this activity, you can use a common liquid to detect calcium carbonate! Cover your ...
1 cup of milk or calcium added soy milk=300 mg 1 cup of calcium added juice=350 mg take calcium carbonate (Tums, Caltrate, Oscal, Viactiv, most generics) with food - they need stomach acid for ...
Calcium (as carbonate) 500mg; chew tabs; assorted flavors. Calcium blocks absorption of tetracyclines. May affect absorption of other drugs. Absorption blocked by corticosteroids, foods such as ...