A new World Bank report shows that poverty in Africa may be lower than current estimates suggest and no systematic increase in inequality, given the available data Challenges remain substantial: more ...
The Khoi and the San people, or Khoisan as they are collectively known, were referred to as bushmen in the past and are famous for the clicks in their languages. Their presence in South Africa has ...
The clan at Witdraai are direct descendants of Dawid Kruiper, who is known for winning the largest land claim in South Africa's history for the Bushmen after they were evicted from the national ...
CHINA DAILY Chinese companies have been playing a critical role in accelerating the process of energy transition and industrialization in Africa, and are expected to further unleash the continent ...
KBM also holds one of the largest collections of contemporary San (Bushmen) art in South Africa. Have a thing for gorgeous statement shoes? Make an appointment to view what Caryn Wilensky ...
Africa is the world’s second largest continent and contains over 50 countries. Africa is in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is spread across three of the major lines of latitude: the ...
Save the Children has worked in Africa for more than 60 years. Today, with millions of children and families in Africa already struggling to cope with the impacts of conflict and climate change, ...
Africa is dividing in two, and a new landmass and ocean may form sooner than expected. The change could alter the climate and ecosystem of the region, as well as the way humans live. In the ...