In the vast urban sprawl of Arizona, the habitat of the tiny western burrowing owl is being destroyed—prompting ...
It’s kind of hard not to be smitten with the burrowing owl. Standing just 9 inches tall and weighing less than a cup of coffee, these owls prefer to live in the ground, where they feed mainly on ...
Athene comes from “Athena,” the name of the Greek goddess associated with the owl. The Latin cunicularus means “little miner.” DESCRIPTION: Adult burrowing owls are from about seven to 10 inches in ...
5. Today we show you some of California’s owls, particularly the burrowing owl, a candidate for the state’s endangered species list. Frank Chapman and 26 other naturalists initiated the ...
The construction project would be near Edwards AFB main runway and had the potential not only to impact species protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), including the burrowing owl ...
A burrowing owl at Shoreline Park in Mountain View. Courtesy Tom Grey. For years, Mountain View has been at the forefront of conservation efforts to monitor and protect burrowing owls at Shoreline ...