Bullet journaling has been a growing trend for a while in planner communities online. Whether you’ve heard of it or not, it’s ...
If you're thinking about starting a bullet journal, here are a few ideas to try: Idea 1: A simple to-do list "A lot of people use [dot journaling] at a yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily level ...
Instead of the empty, lined pages you often find in notebooks, a bullet journal contains sections where you can keep a weekly or monthly calendar, log daily to-dos, track your mental health ...
Follow the standard bullet journal structure in your digital bullet journal, and create an index, future log, monthly log, and daily log. You don’t need a paper notebook to keep a bullet journal ...
The trend has taken social media by storm in recent years, but what exactly is a bullet journal? Simply put, a bullet journal (sometimes shortened to BJo or BuJo) can be anything you want it to be ...