High 5 Games faces severe repercussions as its license is suspended due to illegal casino operations in Connecticut.
A retro enthusiast in Greece stumbles upon the mother of all finds: a sealed Game Boy in the window of a bookstore.
Gaming brand Razer is teaming up with identity protocol World (formerly Worldcoin) to prove that people are playing games—not ...
LEGO is looking to make the virtual experience a bigger part of its brand, and that likely includes new games.
N ext month, the Powerhouse is partnering with City of Parramatta, Screen Australia and Screen NSW to introduce ALT: Games, a ...
The Hunger Games” books get a delicious revamp in a brand new deluxe box set, out today, which includes paperback versions of ...
The Last of Us star Troy Baker says the first game in Naughty Dog's post-apocalyptic zombie (sorry, infected) series "became ...