While feeding, shrews excrete directly into the pitcher, delivering useful, already-digested nutrients. Low's pitcher plants grow on only a few mountainsides in Borneo. The bat pitcher plant ...
This plant, named Nepenthes pongoides, belongs to the largest known pitcher plants and may be at risk ... in the northeastern part of Borneo. Nepenthes pongoides is distinct for the underside ...
Rafflesia (Rafflesia keithii), Borneo. This plant has no stem or leaves ... pushing competing plants out of the way, before it unfurls into a giant leaf, up to 2.5 metres across.
For most of its history Borneo was scarcely populated by humans ... a significant reduction (on the order of 80 percent for plants and 80-90 percent for mammals, birds, and reptiles) in biological ...
Many of Borneo’s languages are endemic. It is estimated that around 170 languages and ... They use motif designs of snakes, birds and plants, sometimes combined, to symbolise meanings such as bravery, ...
Breathing World of Borneo’s Carnivorous Pitcher Plants The Living, Breathing World of Borneo’s Carnivorous Pitcher Plants ...
Borneo holds many secrets ... they can learn about medicinal herbs and poisonous plants, how to track wildlife by their scent, identify an orangutan's most recent nest, and more.
Only during the past 20 years or so has scientific evidence begun to outweigh speculation as a new generation of researchers has tracked the elusive apes across the islands of Borneo and Sumatra ...