What does our body do? The human body has different parts that help us do things like walk, talk, eat, and see. Just like a car has different parts, such as wheels and windows, our bodies also ...
Several years earlier the famed professor at Bologna, Mundinus, had revived the study and teaching of ... men were charged with body-stealing. They had been selling body parts they obtained ...
Scientists are exploring that futuristic vision by using special 3-D printers to make living body parts. Called bioprinters, these machines use human cells as “ink.” A standard 3-D printer ...
Running a cadaver lab can be expensive, and corpses offer surprisingly limited views into the body. In the midst of ... a potentially useful tool for teaching. Instead technicians outfitted ...
A robotics enthusiast built Esghati, a smart robot from e-waste, offering kids a low-cost, educational tool with camera and ...
By stacking some small PCBs behind the motor body, it was possible to squeeze a ... Together, this handful of parts provide all that is needed to read the encoder, control the motor rotation ...
Janet Achieng was brutally murdered, and her dismembered body found stuffed in a sack. She had gone missing for a month ...