An emergency blue light phone system has been installed on campus to make the reporting of serious incidents easier and quicker. To report an emergency, crimes in progress, or a suspicious ...
There are 49 blue light emergency call boxes installed across the Western Illinois University campus. Over the years, these call boxes have been upgraded to include American with Disabilities Act (ADA ...
You can solve many problems and issues yourself, using the resources on this site and throughout UB. And if you still need assistance, there’s always someone who can help you. Call University Police ...
Emergency Blue Phones have been strategically placed throughout the University campus. The majority of the phones are free standing. The remaining phones are smaller, wall based phones, found in the ...
Blue Light Emergency Call Boxes are located throughout the Bowdoin campus and in all elevators. A blue light indicates that there is a yellow emergency call box in that location. The call box is a two ...
blue-light emergency phones and the Drexel Guardian app. Officers regularly monitor the data and coordinate with other local law enforcement agencies and community organizations to respond to changing ...
It will take a bit of time to know whether the newly installed blue lights at three Highway 7 intersections will activate flashing emergency lights on squad cars. Small blue ...
Revenue and pre-tax profits have risen at a discount service for the emergency services, NHS, social care sector and armed forces during a financial year in which it saved its members a ...