These birds are beautiful to watch and exhibit specific actions and characteristics that pique an observer’s interest. Below are ten fun facts you might not know about the blue jay bird that ...
Blue jays are bright blue on top, white or light gray underneath, and have black and white bars on their wings and tail ...
Despite the high numbers of birds (if I’m lucky) there is a relative calm about the morning gathering right up until that special moment when the blue jays arrive. Then things get a little crazy.
The bird’s flight is strong and steady, with wings rarely flexed above horizontal. Polytypic. Length 11.5". A nearly unmistakable dark blue, black-crested jay with variable white or blue ...
the only bird to ever do so. Florida scrub jay families have lived in parts of Florida for 650,000 Florida scrub jay generations. Need a break? Play the USA TODAY Daily Crossword Puzzle. This ...
Juvenile: much grayer overall, showing very little blue on the head. Flight: Usually undulating with quick deep wingbeats. Both the Steller’s jay and the blue jay have conspicuous crests and ...
Four conservation groups, represented by Earthjustice, filed a request in federal court today to defend critical Endangered Species Act protections for the imperiled Florida scrub jay.