Being rolled into an operating room is scary enough ... and up to 3 million will result in death. Enter the OR Black Box, developed by Toronto-­based surgeon Teodor Grantcharov.
In the case of closed-source software, the white hats arguably have the offsetting advantage that they at least can see the source code, and peek inside the black box, while the attackers cannot.
It's one of the most important pieces of forensic evidence following a plane crash: The so-called “black box." There are actually two of these remarkably sturdy devices: the cockpit voice ...
Black Box will highlight its Emerald Unified KVM-over-IP products built to offer secure, flexible, and scalable workflows ...
A black box is a flight data recorder that collects information on communications involving pilots in cockpits and how the aircraft systems perform in-flight. It is designed to be practically ...
Consumers Union, the advocacy arm of Consumer Reports, has supported standardizing black-box data, so accident investigators can use it to improve the safety of future vehicles and crashes.