When bird flu is confirmed, everything escalates to battle stations. Lasher shifts to round-the-clock schedules. Personal ...
I shot thousands of pictures and had the great luck to capture the moment that the murmuration took on the shape of a large flying bird ... and the birds began to reshape ending up as another ...
Some species can be seen in flight, like the Canada geese in their famous V formation, but most migratory birds travel by night. They face fewer predators in the dark, and the cool air of night ...
Whether taking off, sustaining flight, or landing, birds must overcome the tremendous energy demands of flying. Methods for meeting those energy demands are almost as diverse as the variety of ...
Some bird species have developed the astonishing ability to sleep while flying. They do that by resting one half of their brain while keeping the other half alert to navigate and avoid obstacles.
These include the flesh of dead animals (carrion), birds eggs, as well as live animals which southern flying ... Journal of Mammalogy, 68:243-245. Linzey, D.W. and A. V. Linzey. 1979. Growth and ...
Nearly 200 incidents of birds flying into buildings and transparent noise barriers have been recorded in Hong Kong in four months, a study has found, with most of the cases likely due to large ...