There are as many definitions of the word 'bioinformatics' as there are people who are willing to give one. Thus, to title a book Bioinformatics, even with the more specific subtitle, Sequence and ...
Book Abstract: Combining biology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics, the field of bioinformatics has become a hot new discipline with profound impacts on all aspects of biology and ...
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Bioinformatics is the development and application of computer methods for management ... from a body of data by building good probabilistic models--and to automate the process as much as possible.In ...
As a result, there are now literally dozens of bioinformatics textbooks describing the various molecular phylogenetic algorithms and their implementation in software packages. Yet few books ...
Bioinformatics and Computational Biomedicine deals with the analysis, handling, and comprehension of the large amounts of data produced by advanced techniques used in modern biological research ...